Firebrand is a captivating historical drama that shines a spotlight on the often-overlooked story of Katherine Parr. Vikander brings depth and intelligence to the role of the determined Queen, while Law's portrayal of the volatile Henry VIII is a standout performance. Directed by Karim Aïnouz, the film boasts stunning visuals, a sharp script, and a talented supporting cast, including Simon Russell Beale, Eddie Marsan, and Sam Riley. Firebrand weaves a gripping tale of ambition, survival, and the power struggles faced by a formidable woman in a world that undervalues her intellect.
“Jude Law immediately joins the upper ranks of the great screen Henry VIIIs with an incendiary, movie-defining performance.” - The Times
NOMINEE - Palme d'Or, Cannes Film Festival 2023
OFFICIAL SELECTION - Tribeca Film Festival 2024
OFFICIAL SELECTION - International Film Festival Rotterdam 2024